Thursday, January 12, 2023

Hope Project

 Nigeria has about 20 million out –of- school children which places her as the country with the highest number of out -of- school children in Sub-Saharan Africa.

According to UNICEF, Nigeria accounts for more than one in five out- of -school children anywhere in the world. Hope Project was created to reduce these numbers and prevent children from becoming marginalized youths.

Hope Project is an Educational empowerment program where children from underserved communities are enrolled into schools by being sponsored and back to school kits are given to those that does not have.

Our main objectives is that children from the underserved communities are properly enrolled into schools and  they also have the best learning experience because we believe that without proper enrollment and Educational resources, it will be a serious challenge for any child to effectively learn within the four walls of classroom.

This project is in line with Article 15 of the 2003 Child Rights Act. It recognizes access to universal basic education.

We believe as an organization that every child deserves the right Educational tools to have a better learning experience beyond just being in the classroom.